I live in atl where the weather is nice most of the year. From November to March it normally between 60-40 degrees, which is not freezing but cold enough. At night it hard for me to sleep with the heat on so I just wrap up in my comforter. Since Kedar is only 3 months and I don't want to cover him with a big blanket, so I decided to make a sleep sack .. This go for about 20-50 dollars in stores. I was going to buy one at first but I felt I could make one for cheap with a cute design and as warm as I want it.
I went online and found a free pattern here http://www.bombshellbling.com/baby-sleep-sack-pattern/ ... I used her pattern but I didn't follow here tutorial cause I don't know how to sew a zip instead I added snaps at the shoulder side and bottom.. I got the top fabric at joann for 5 dollars and the inside fabric at Walmart for 2.50 .. I got a yard of both ..
Here the finish product ... What you think?